
Il blog di Laura Pirovano: appunti di viaggio, segnalazioni di giardini, proposte di plant design

Libri segnalazioni


  • Il giardino di guerriglia. Un anno di allegre battaglie fra la donna e il verde, Stefania Bertola, Electa, 116 pp, 16.90 euro. Un diario di avventure e battaglie affrontate quotidianamente nel suo giardino. Un taccuino cronologico spiritoso e sottile caratterizzato da monologhi ironici e dialoghi surreali con la natura. Scheda allegata
  • Botanica per giardinieri. L’arte e la scienza del giardinaggio spiegata e raccontata, Geoff Hodge, Guido Tommasi editore, 2014, 224 pp., 24,90 euro
    Un utile volume da consultare quando si vuole sapere qualcosa di più sul funzionamento delle piante, come la differenza tra riproduzione sessuata e vegetativa, oppure il meccanismo della germinazione.
  • Giardini da vivere, Luigina Giordani, con prefazione di Mimma Pallavicini, Paysage-collana Il giardino italiano, 2014 15 giardini raccontati dalla progettista dal progetto alla realizzazione
  • Isole di selvatico in città, Claudio Longo, Edizioni Archivio Dedalus, 2014.
    Una piccola guida alla cultura del verde spontaneo, poco diffusa in Italia ma che altrove sta trovando sempre più largo consenso. Scritto con stile semplice e colloquiale, il libro ci accompagna a scoprire una dimensione inconsueta ma forse necessaria della vita in città, toccando con tono sommesso ma incisivo una questione dibattuta da un’ampia serie di discipline (dall’urbanistica alla letteratura, dalla botanica alla sociologia) e presente, a ben vedere, fin dagli albori della civiltà urbana: il rapporto fra natura e cultura.

Dalla Libreria della natura di Milano

    Derrière les façades et les hauts murs de Paris se cachent des jardins souvent grandioses, parfois minuscules, extrêmement soignés ou exubérants. Cet ouvrage propose d’en révéler une cinquantaine, créés avec passion par leurs propriétaires, en collaboration avec des paysagistes célèbres : Gilles Clément, Camille Muller, Louis Benech, etc. Afin que ce livre soit également source d’inspiration, chaque propriétaire révèle les conditions dans lesquelles il a créé son jardin, les contraintes. Les jardins classiques à la française, comme ceux de Pierre Bergé ou Hubert de Givenchy, ornent les plus beaux hôtels particuliers ; leur tracé d’une grande simplicité s’adapte en beauté aux espaces restreints. Jardin potager, romantique, d’artiste ou poème, les jardins pittoresques révèlent les secrets de l’art de vivre de leurs propriétaires (Yves Saint-Laurent, Anne-Marie Beretta…) Jardins tropicaux aux fougères géantes et aux fleurs rares, jardins orientalistes admirablement soignés, jardin russe entourant une isba, les jardins exotiques invitent à découvrir d’autres civilisations au coeur même de Paris. Pagg. 188, cm 20×25, Euro 27,50
    From modernist to Mediterranean, and from jungle to Japanese, Garden Design Close Up is a font of inspiration for those looking to give their garden a contemporary makeover. Focusing on 100 real gardens of diverse types around the globe, the book provides in-depth information about contemporary styles. The featured selections are designed by leading lights of British landscaping, such as Christopher Bradley-Hole, Anthony Paul and Dan Pearson, alongside internationally recognized names like Luciano Giubbilei, Paolo Pejrone, Robert Irwin and Martha Schwartz. This illustration- led compendium will delight even armchair gardeners those who prefer to admire gorgeous gardens rather than get their green fingers dirty but it is equally well-suited to those looking for ideas for their outside spaces. Serious gardeners will find within its pages a tremendously detailed resource, with plenty of helpful, practical advice. Pagg. 432, cm 19×25, Euro 39
    In Private Landscapes, landscape architect Pamela Burton and interior designer Marie Botnick profile twenty significant gardens-and their accompanying houses-by the most celebrated architects of mid century modernism, including Richard Neutra, Rudolph Schindler, A. Quincy Jones and John Lautner. Featuring Julius Shulman’s iconic black-and-white photographs of the original gardens as well as Tim Street-Porter’s crisp colour images of contemporary restorations and updates, Private Landscapes shows why these gardens continue to provide inspiration for gardeners and designers everywhere. Pagg. 192, cm 23×30, Euro 37,75
    Joy Larkcom believes passionately that a vegetable garden, whatever its size, can be as beautiful as a conventional garden of flowers and shrubs. In Creative Vegetable Gardening she shows how the principles of good design can be applied to a kitchen plot and how to use the vibrant textures, colours, and forms of vegetables, herbs and fruit to create glorious effects and intriguing patterns without jeopardizing their productivity. Inspirational colour photographs of potagers and kitchen plots capture the essence of the creative approach to vegetable growing. Techniques are described in clear stages and illustrated with full-colour step-by-step artworks, while an A-Z directory includes more than 150 edible plants with key facts on their cultivation, supplemented with ideas on how to grow them to maximum ornamental effect. Beautifully illustrated, intricate plans of five types of potager – formal, informal, small, urban and winter – add to the wealth of inspirational information. Pagg. 208, cm 26×26, Euro 29
    In ‘The Creative Shrub Garden’ Andy McIndoe provides a truly shrub-focused design guide which shows the reader how to combine shrubs along with perennials and bulbs in attractive, long-lasting planting schemes. He describes how to use these low-maintenance woody plants in the way that gardeners normally use perennials. The book contains a planting design chapter which uses a mood-board approach to show how different garden moods and styles can be achieved with the right combination of shrubs. Handy lists cover key topics such as shrubs for difficult situations and readers can also use the comprehensive plant directory to make up their own personalised planting schemes. Pagg. 256, cm 22×26, Euro 30
    RHS Companion to Scented Plants is an authoritative guide to creating beautiful, well designed gardens that are highly scented, and shows how scent can turn a good-looking garden into an unforgettable one. Stephen Lacey analyses the different scent ‘flavours’ available to the gardener, and discusses how to use scent as an ingredient in a planting scheme. An experienced gardener and plantsman, he shows how a simultaneous display of riches for the eye and the nose is within the grasp of every gardener. A comprehensive catalogue describes over 1,000 of the best plants to grow for their fragrance as well as their beauty. This is the only major reference work on scent and scented plants and is endorsed by the Royal Horticultural Society. Pagg.320, cm.20×25,5, Euro 37,50


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Giardini in viaggio Laura Pirovano